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I'll play Koto on New Year's Rose Parade Float

I'll play Koto on New Year's Rose Parade Float.

元旦のRoseパレードのフロートでお琴の演奏をします。 毎年出場しているNPO団体のSierra Madre Rose Float Associationが、日本庭園をイメージしたフロートを製作しています。 これは Sierra Madre Elementary Schoolにある日本庭園をモデルにデザインされたものです。 この日本庭園は、1931年に当時在籍していた日本人の生徒の父兄によって作られましたが、真珠湾攻撃、第二次世界大戦の勃発で捨て置かれ、忘れ去られてしまいました。 しかし1995年に、当時の在校生が、この日本庭園が存在したことを知り、何とか復活させたいと、ベークセールや洗車などをして資金を集め、日系人の庭師のLew Watanabeさんと在校生が力を合わせて日本庭園が再現されました。…/sierra-madre-goodwill-garden-celebratio… 日系人の歴史を感じるこの日本庭園が全米でテレビ中継されるRoseパレードに出ることは、日本人としてとても嬉しいことです。 NPO organization called Sierra Madre Rose Float Association that has been entering a float for many years is currently making a float that resembles a Japanese garden. This float was designed by modeling the Japanese garden at Sierra Madre Elementary School. The original Japanese garden was built in 1931 by the parents of Japanese American students. However, it was vandalized and abandoned after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The sixth-grade class of 1995 read about Sierra Madre history and discovered an article in the LA Times documenting a garden at their school. Upon this discovery, they decided to restore it, and underwent massive fundraising and labor to do so. The students held car washes, bake sales, wrote letters, and sold origami cranes to fund the reconstruction. They also performed physical labor in digging the bridge out of the mud and excavated the garden. A Japanese-American community member, Mr. Lew Watanabe, became integral to the project. For the history, please look at following sites.…/sierra-madre-goodwill-garden-celebratio… I am happy as a Japanese that this Japanese garden with unusual history was selected as a Float to be seen on national television in this famous parade.

Sound check.

Outdoor sound check.

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